
We have close association with the partners here below. Feel free to contact them and mention me.

Boswellia Sacra

Frankincense from Boswellia Sacra could save your life
Used for thousands of years

”Then the three wise men opened their treasure sacks and offered the newborn Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh”, reports the gospel of Matthew (2:11).

Frankincense is extracted as sap from the Boswellia Sacra tree and then left to dry and harden to resin. The tree dates approximately 7,000 years back and grows wild around the city of Salalah in the Sultanate of Oman.

Frankincense can be used internally (resin crystals), externally (steam-distilled essential oil from the resin) and through a diffuser (oil).

Frankincense resin is chewed daily by Omanis. The incidences of cancer in this country is only a fraction compared to Europe and the US. 

Alimentation des gens heureux

J’ai choisi d’être heureux parce que c’est bon pour la santé ! Voltaire
Nous sommes des thérapeutes passionnés de l’éducation à la santé, nutritionniste, hypnothérapeute, naturopathe, psychothérapeute avec pour objectifs :

  • L’accompagnement des personnes en surpoids
  • La prévention de l’obésité
  • La transmission des connaissances en hygiène de vie globale et éco-citoyenneté
  • L’épanouissement et le développement personnel
  • L’optimisation de la santé

Nous proposons différents ateliers, conférences, vidéos et stages afin d’aider ceux qui en ont le plus besoin.

Notre défi en cours : la réalisation d’un jeu éducatif pour éveiller les enfants à leur développement écologique et prévenir les problèmes de santé liés à une mauvaise hygiène de vie.

Riviera Reiki

Beverley Holt, your friendly blogger is the owner of Riviera Reiki.

Her mission is to bring people together and more love into the world. One way I achieve this is by raising conscious awareness. The other is to provide relaxing, rejuvenating, pampering and healing treatments.

One of her gifts is helping people to relax, find inner calm and peace of mind. It doesn’t matter what treatment you come for, you will leave feeling more balanced and centered.

As technologies in the field of beauty therapies have advanced, so have her repertoire of services.


Some of these newer therapies include Pure Oxygen Treatments, Chakra Body Energy Work , magnets, crystals and advanced Ayurvedic Treatments.

She takes an holistic approach to all her therapies. At Riviera Reiki she has created a warm, calm, friendly, space. She burns essential oils and plays soft relaxing music.

On your first visit you will fill out a health consultation form and receive a footspa & an organic foot scrub. This helps you to LET GO & relax before your pampering...